Monette Operations Manager Jason Gunderson enjoying our new CST Embouchure Renewal Protocol, December, 2019.
As much as I love designing and building brass instruments, I know that the player is always the real instrument in performance. At Monette, we now have a new, holistic way to help players immediately stand, walk, sit, and make music with more freedom and ease than ever before!
For the last five years I have trained in Craniosacral Therapy (CST), Zero Balancing and the work of Moshe Feldenkrais. Last year I gave over 250 table sessions to musicians from four continents, and health care practitioners from around the United States. Many of these clients came in with chronic pain and focal dystonia issues... and left Portland feeling better than they had in years or decades. Four of these musicians were high profile players from large cities who told me they thought their careers were over. Three of the four clients experienced full functional recovery in two to four sessions. The other client required eight sessions over a few weeks for full recovery.
The CST/Energetics of Performance sessions I now offer help players breathe easier, reduce or eliminate chronic back, shoulder or body pains, and relieve and reverse the impact of harmful repetitive stress issues associated with music performance. These sessions also help in relieving and reversing the effects of whatever old injuries or other patterns of stress might be inhibiting their musical performance... from birth trauma to car whiplash accidents and everything in between.
We really enjoy helping players with variations on focal dystonia, Bell’s palsy and peripheral neuropathy. For more on this, please see my dedicated blog post on this: CST and ACQUIRED CERVICAL DYSTONIA.
Earlier blog posts explain my path to all this in great detail... and how my CST and Energetics of Performance work ties directly into my custom instrument design and manufacturing work.
I encourage clients to check in by email with me directly before arriving in Portland. Filling out the CST Intake Form will help us understand more about your needs and goals, and help us schedule session work along with shop equipment work for the most efficient use of your time. Note that all shop equipment consultations are always free. CST sessions are $100/hour, with most sessions averaging an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half. First sessions usually run two hours total, but are charged at a set fee of $100. Note that no one is turned away due to financial hardship. A sliding payment scale is available. Note that all prices are subject to change.
To schedule CST/Energetics of Performance sessions, just email BJ Cord at the address below. Be sure to include dates of travel and fight times: bj@monette.net.
For regular updates on Monette equipment and activities at my shop, please visit and follow the David Monette Trumpets Facebook page, or the shop website: www.monette.net
For regular updates on my CST/Energetics of Performance work, please visit my personal Facebook page: DaveMonetteCST/Energetics of Performance.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
Dave Monette